Webinar – Use IoT Design Anomalous Waveform Analytics for Innovative Failure Analysis

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Keysight Technologies

Webinar – Use IoT Design Anomalous Waveform Analytics for Innovative Failure Analysis

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MCUs and FPGAs are being heavily used in mission-critical IoT devices such as Automotive and Medical/Healthcare applications, and reliability is critical.  If an IoT device malfunctions it could lead to a serious incident. And if the problem is discovered after the launch, it may lead to a large-scale business impact including recalls and more serious implications. 

In order to avoid such risks, it is necessary to quickly identify and fix potential HW / FW / SW defects and improve product reliability before the market launch. 

Fast and accurate failure analysis is more critical than ever. 

Join Keysight Experts as they discuss: 

  1. Reliability aspects for MCUs and FPGAs in IoT design 
  2. 3 technical challenges for achieving product reliability  
  3. Innovative software to capture and analyze waveforms to enhance product reliability 


Alan Wadsworth

Alan Wadsworth
Business Development Manager
Keysight Technologies

Alan is currently the business development manager for Keysight Technologies’ precision and power products. He is the author of Keysight’s parametric measurement handbook and has over 30 years’ experience in design and test. Alan holds bachelors and master’s degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an MBA from Santa Clara University.

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Link zur Veranstaltungsseite - https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=reg20.jsp&partnerref=KCOM&eventid=1861422&sessionid=1&key=A6462EA49B05B8B5A498C533C5C32D4F&regTag=391530&sourcepage=register


Date And Time

13. Januar 2021 @ 15:00 to
13. Januar 2021 @ 16:00




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