Webinar – Fundamentals of RF Design Simulations
This session introduces Keysight’s PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS), the RF design and simulation environment to help you to achieve design success with a complete desktop flow.
Extensive component libraries make it easy to find the part you want. Automatic sync with layout allows you to visualize the physical layout while making schematic designs. Integrated electromagnetic simulators allow you to do verification of the layout effects.
Key Learnings:
- Analyzing the linear and non-linear behavior of your circuit
- Doing layout and layout verification with electromagnetic simulators
- Performing RF system Level simulation
Alexander Kravets
Application Engineer
Keysight Technologies
Alexander Kravets received his B.Sc. from Technion in Electrical Engineering in 1999, M. Sc. and Ph.D. in High Frequency Engineering from Munich and Berlin Technical Universities in 2005 and 2015, respectively.
From 2000 has worked as RF board designer, mmWave IC and RFIC designer for various communications, radar and sensor applications.
Has experience in the fields of:
microwave/RF IC and board design, system architecture and EM simulation. From 2015 is an application engineer at Keysight Technologies, responsible for RFIC circuit design, EM, electrothermal and system design flows and activities across EMEA.
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