Webinar – Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) Using Keysight InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes

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Keysight Technologies

Webinar – Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) Using Keysight InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes

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Testing and debugging is sometimes performed best in the time-domain (voltage versus time). This is the primary realm of oscilloscope measurements. But sometimes there are advantages in performing measurements in the frequency-domain (power levels versus frequency). This is the primary realm of spectrum analyzers. Oscilloscopes can often mimic spectrum analyzers measurements using fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) on digitized waveforms. Although oscilloscopes don’t have near the dynamic range of  spectrum analyzers, using an oscilloscope for frequency-domain measurements has its own advantages over true spectrum analysis. Some of these advantages, as well as disadvantages, will be discussed during this virtual seminar.

During this virtual “tips & tricks”  seminar, you will first learn about some of the fundamentals of oscilloscope FFT measurements including independent time-domain and frequency-domain scaling, windowing, measurements, and gating. In addition, we will review cross-domain measurement examples that illustrate some of the advantages of oscilloscope FFT measurements to extract signal coupling/noise riding on digital signals, extracting low-level signals buried in switching noise, and performing gated sideband measurements on RF modulated signals. 


Johnnie Hancock

Johnnie Hancock
Oscilloscope Product Manager
Keysight Technologies

Johnnie Hancock is an oscilloscope product manager at Keysight Technologies. He began his career with Hewlett-Packard in 1979 as an embedded hardware designer, and holds a patent for digital oscilloscope amplifier calibration. Johnnie is currently responsible for worldwide applications supporting Keysight’s digitizing oscilloscopes and he regularly speaks at technical conferences worldwide. Johnnie graduated from the University of South Florida with a degree in electrical engineering. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his four grandchildren.

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Link zur Veranstaltungsseite - https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=reg20.jsp&partnerref=EML-FM&elq_cid=3892633&cmpid=&eventid=2525874&sessionid=1&key=BA291217DF7A8D89CED8F3AB7169C680&regTag=389715&sourcepage=register


Date And Time

13. August 2020 @ 11:00 to
13. August 2020 @ 12:00




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