Webinar – Characterizing Pulse visualization analysis for next generation Electronic Warfare system designs
14:30 IST / 10:00 CET
Differentiating threats with pulse-scoring filters based on characteristics such as pulse width, PRI, and modulation type, including linear and non-linear modulation is one among the many key measurements in Aerospace Defense applications, specifically Electronic warfare.
Capturing long scenarios with efficient memory usage and with Correlations and sidelobe measurements is a must have capability. Dual domain analysis with narrow bandwidth for frequency domain analysis and wider bandwidth for time domain analysis help designers characterize their electronic warfare systems quicker. To understand this & more, you can register & partcipate at the Keysight Technologies webinar

Raj Sodhi
Application Development Engineer/Scientist
Keysight Technologies
Raj Sodhi is a Keysight applications developer who has worked in both R&D and marketing over the past 20 years, most recently, in signal sources and signal analyzer teams. Before joining Keysight, he worked in various start-up environments with a focus on analog and RF design. Raj pioneered sensor calibration algorithms while at PNI Corporation. He also worked at Skyworks Solutions designing PAs and front-end modules for the low-cost cell phone market. Raj earned his BSEE and MSEE degrees at MIT.
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