Webinar – Battery Life Estimates – Go Slow to Go Fast
IoT Devices have very fast transitions between low-power sleep modes and active modes with much higher current levels. So why would anybody want to use low-bandwidth current measurements? It may seem counterintuitive, but in many cases, going slow may turn out to be the best option.
Key Learning
• When to use high-bandwidth measurements in measuring charge consumption
• When to use low-bandwidth measurements in measuring charge consumption
• Why a hybrid measurement strategy can help you get your device to market faster than any single measurement approach

Brad Jolly
Senior Application Engineer
Keysight Technologies
Brad Jolly has been with Keysight Technologies (previously Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies) for more than 24 years, including roles in software R&D, UI design, learning products, application engineering, product support, training, product marketing, and product management. He currently works as an applications engineer focusing on IoT solutions. He received his B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Michigan.

Julien Sarrade
Business Development Manager
Keysight Technologies
Julien Sarrade is responsible for IoT Business Development activities at Keysight Technologies, bringing solutions to help electronic design and validation engineers solving their toughest Test & Measurement challenges. Healthcare wearables, smart home and smart city are examples of domains in which power consumption, wireless connectivity and coexistence are hot topics to be addressed to successfully bring a product to the market. In each specific case, Julien helps customers finding the right balance between severity, time and cost of test. Prior to joining Keysight, Julien has worked for more than 10 years in the mobile networks’ ecosystem. Julien holds a Master degree in Wireless Telecommunications from Telecom Lille in France.
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