Einladung zum HF-Seminar in Wien!
Hier gibt es die Folien der Vorträge zum Download:
- Antennas – an Introduction to Types, Parameters and Measurements (Robert Langwieser, TU Wien)
In the beginning the field of antennas often is either very confusing or treated too simplified. We will give you an overall picture of the most important antenna aspects for orientation - Exploring Antenna Characterisation and Verification Challenges with Near Field Scanning Technology (Yoram Shimoni, Y.I.C. Technologies)
The RFScanner is a powerful tool that offers real-time scanning technology for rapid antenna emission issue diagnosis, providing a paradigm shift in RF antenna testing - How leveraging recent advances in EM simulation and innovative circuit and system simulation techniques help saving time and achieving first-pass design wins (Christopher Grötsch, Keysight)
The lecture showcases an integrated workflow in Keysight’s ADS that seamlessly integrates EM simulation and advanced techniques for faster design and reveals more insights into circuit and system impairments - News Measurement Techniques for EMF, EMC, Directional Finding and Geolocation using the FieldFox (Andrew Benn, Keysight)
In this lecture we explain the latest measurement features of Keysight’s FieldFox RF Combination Analyzer and demonstrate the usage of it
Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, von erfahrenen Experten zu lernen und Ihre Fähigkeiten auf diesem Gebiet zu erweitern.
9:00 – 17:00
VinziRast Dachatelier
Lackierergasse 10, 1090 Wien
Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie bald bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
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Preis - Kostenlos
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