Webinar – Spectrum Monitoring for Critical Missions
Radio spectrum use has dramatically evolved over the past 30 years. Digital broadcast, Wi-Fi hotspots, IoT, 4G and soon 5G cellular networks comes with the need for spectrum monitoring capable of detecting and locating short-duration, low power, broadband devices using complex modulation.
Awareness of spectrum use, occupancy statistics, field strength from different locations and interference detection and location are a few of the mission critical tasks of spectrum monitoring.
Concepts such as TDOA, RSS, coherent detection, energy history database, distributed sensor network planning, signal classification and geo-location will be covered.
This session will consist of theory and practice with a live demo. It will be of interest to government agencies, corporate spectrum/frequency managers, satellite system operators and RF engineers interesting in spectrum management.
Andrew Benn
Application and Business Development Engineer
Keysight Technologies
Andrew Benn is an Application and Business Development Engineer at Keysight Technologies supporting customers in 5G cellular infrastructure, satellite and aerospace and defense.
Andrew manages Keysight’s EMEAI solution support for FieldFox portable solution and monitoring. Prior to Keysight, he held roles in various marketing and sales management roles in T&M and semi-conductor industries.
Andrew has a Bachelor Degree in Physics from Mount Allison University.
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